I was trying to use a USB hard drive plugged into an Apple Airport Extreme with Windows 7 Home Premium. Under Windows the Airport Disk Utility (Airport-Basisstrationsagent) offered me to connect, but it failed with an error, something like "Unknown User ..." ("Unbekannter Benutzer, falsches Kennwort, oder die Anmeldung ist deaktiviert. Bitte geben Sie die Anmeldeinformationen erneut ein oder wenden Sie sich an den Administrator des Laufwerks"), Error code 1231 or 2202
Heres the best sources I found:
Then, as windows 7 home premium doesnt have the policy manager secol.msc:
Details to the LmCompatibilityLevel registry-Flag
I also tried:
- Formatting the Drive to Fat32 (did not make a difference, except then it stopped working with the mac)
- all three possible ways of access settings in the airport-utility (Account, only passwort, airport password)
- using WORKGROUP\USER as username in the airport disk agent (leads to a different error code)
- connecting directly to it as a networkdrive \\IP-Adress\Drivename ("Der eingegebene Ordner ist ungültig")
BUT IN THE END IT WAS NO USE, so I gave up for now.
At least it works on the mac in nearly all configurations (except fat32)